Sun 01 May 2022 - 14:00




The Sound of Data – Launch Event (ESCH2022)

Practical Info

Venue: Rockhal
Promoter: Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR)

Doors: 13:45

FREE ENTRANCE: The entrance for the science and music fair as well as the programme in the Club is free. You don’t need to buy a ticket.


The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), the University of Luxembourg (, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the Rockhal are pleased to present the “Science meets Music” event!

The science meets music event is the launch event of the Esch2022 project “The Sound of Data”.

Rockhal Foyer:
A science and music fair for families, kids and adults offers interactive workshops that combine science and music.
Experiment, have fun and discover:
How can an image or data be converted into sound and music? How can you create lightning in rhythm using a Tesla coil? What is the science behind these sounds? And much more.

Rockhal Club:
Meet Cyborg-Artist Neil Harbisson, who can hear colours thanks to an antenna that is permanently implanted into his skull, and listen to his futuristic keynote talk. Together with Pol Lombarte, Neil Harbisson will use its cyborg organ to create “cardio-sonochromatic” portraits. A performance that will transpose the heartbeats of the audience into colour and music.
You will also be able to listen to the Lecture Performance of Dr. Valery Vermeulen about data sonification under the headline: Music, (deep) space and black holes.

And join a workshop from Ableton, listen to a panel of experts from science and music about sonification – creative ways for scientists, artists and musicians to work with data.


Adding to all this, Mathieu Lebrun and Kevin Muhlen will present the performance SOUNDOFWORD in Rockhal’s Floor.

Networking Event

Are you a musician, scientist, or music aficionado? Then you might be interested in the networking event “Scientists Meet Musicians” taking place for the official launch of the Sound of Data project!
For this networking event you need a ticket. Get yours on: “Scientists Meet Musicians