Fri 11 Mar 2022 - 18:30


Music Video Night at LuxFilmFest

Organised by Rocklab & LuxFilmFest

Practical Info

Venue: Ciné Utopia
Promoter: Rocklab

Doors: 18:30
Music Video Night at LuxFilmFest: 18:30

18:30 – Music Video Screening at Ciné Utopia
MAZ, Francis of Delirium, Irina or Jackie Moontan on the big screen? Yes, please! (Re)discover the latest music videos by artists from Luxembourg’s vibrant music scene in an extra-large format! Free entry, prior registration via:

20:30 – Meet the Filmmakers – Networking Drink at Casino
Rocklab and LARS are inviting you to join this relaxed networking session between local artists and filmmakers. The idea is to develop future synergies in the field of music video production. Drinks offered by Rocklab! Free entry, prior registration via


Rocklab and Luxembourg City Film Festival are teaming up once again in 2022 to showcase music videos made in Luxembourg!

Join us for a special screening hosted by Rockhal’s Rocklab at Ciné Utopia. Discover Luxembourg City Film Festival’s selection of the latest music videos made by artists, musicians and directors from Luxembourg over the past few months during a special screening session! Followed by a dedicated networking event between local artists and filmmakers.