Mon 24 Feb 2025 - 19:00




Practical Info

Venue: Rockhal Main Hall
Promoter: A-Promotions

Doors: 19:00


If you have ever seen Beth Hart live or immersed yourself in her music, you know she puts every ounce of her being into her songs. For all of those empathetic superpowers, she also needs someone to catch her when she falls. Firebrands inspire; it’s what attracts people to them. However, part of those personalities’ makeup is that they do not wear a harness. They thrive on the freedom and space around them. But, with that comes danger; you need an emotional crash mat, and those save lives. It is something we all need at times throughout our lives.

Beth says about the title track, “This is a true story. I had a moment where I wasn’t in a positive mood, and I was hanging out on the couch, crying pretty hard, and Scott said, ‘Hey, do you need a hug?’ I said, I’ve got nothing inside left to love, and he said, you still got me. I said, hang on a minute; I’ll be right back. I went downstairs and used those words and how he said it. You say something like that, and someone you love says back, but you’ve still got me. It’s true. If I’ve still got him, I’ve still got everything.”

You can see this in the “You Still Got Me” video, poignantly featuring her beloved husband, Scott. Along with the team around her, provide that surface to fall on when she needs it. Her fans adore her, and the feeling is replicated. You can see that night after night on tour; the adulation she receives and that she also gives back, which is why there is a bond like few other artists have. That connection has been forged over the last 28 years of releasing music in which she unapologetically wears her heart on her sleeve – like a warrior. Which is precisely what she is.

It’s okay not to be okay. It’s okay to struggle sometimes, and it takes enormous strength to open yourself up to help. Reaching out a hand to have someone hold on to it is strength. This is something that we can all learn.