Fri 18 Feb 2022 - 20:30



Practical Info

Venue: Rockhal Club
Promoter: Rockhal

Doors: 20:00

Infos: (FR) Le concert de Duncan Laurence prĂ©vu le 18 fĂ©vrier 2022 Ă  la Rockhal a malheureusement du ĂȘtre annulĂ© pour des raisons logistiques. Il n’y aura pas de date de remplacement. Les billets achetĂ©s en ligne sur seront automatiquement remboursĂ©s. Nous vous remercions pour votre comprĂ©hension et espĂ©rons vous voir bientĂŽt Ă  la Rockhal. --- (EN) The show of Duncan Laurence planned for the 18th of February 2022 at the Rockhal has unfortunately been cancelled due to logistical reasons. There will be no replacement date. Ticket holders will be refunded at their respective points of sale. Tickets purchased online at will automatically be refunded. We thank you for your understanding and hope to see you soon at the Rockhal.

(FR) Le concert de Duncan Laurence prĂ©vu le 18 fĂ©vrier 2022 Ă  la Rockhal a malheureusement du ĂȘtre annulĂ© pour des raisons logistiques. Il n’y aura pas de date de remplacement. Les billets achetĂ©s en ligne sur seront automatiquement remboursĂ©s. Nous vous remercions pour votre comprĂ©hension et espĂ©rons vous voir bientĂŽt Ă  la Rockhal. --- (EN) The show of Duncan Laurence planned for the 18th of February 2022 at the Rockhal has unfortunately been cancelled due to logistical reasons. There will be no replacement date. Ticket holders will be refunded at their respective points of sale. Tickets purchased online at will automatically be refunded. We thank you for your understanding and hope to see you soon at the Rockhal.


As a kid growing up in Hellevoetsluis, The Netherlands (pop. 40,049), Duncan Laurence found solace in the healing power of music. Holed up in his bedroom—hiding out from the bullies that tormented him at school for his love of singing, his interest in theatre, and his desire to make art—Laurence sang, taking the darkest moments in his life and turning them into a light he could spread to anyone who was willing to listen. “I tried to create this world inside my room, writing songs, where I could turn mistakes into beautiful things,” Laurence says. With his debut full-length, Small Town Boy, Laurence makes his younger self proud, writing the next chapter in a story that, despite moments of pain, despair, and loneliness, has led him to the realization of a singular vision dense with love, hope, and perseverance. The songwriter and producer paints his album’s cinematic atmospheres with a number of textures—the rich instrumentation of alternative rock, the delicacy of folk, and the dynamic, catchy swells of contemporary pop—to craft his grand vision. And throughout the LP, his powerful, expressive tenor flows from a gentle whisper through fluttering falsettos to a full-blown force. But the scope of the music never overpowers the intimacy of the stories Laurence tells. For example, the understated “Beautiful” opens Small Town Boy with the thrum of acoustic guitar as Laurence pays tribute to the unconditional love between himself and a confidant.

A Liveurope concert: the first pan-European initiative supporting concert venues in their efforts to promote emerging European artists.  Liveurope is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.